Have a Little One? Let’s Talk about Tummy Time!


Coming home with a newborn is a rollercoaster of a time- getting to know this new little one in your life, ensuring their needs are met, and the whirlwind of emotions involved. Parents always want the best for their child and want to see them be happy and grow. 

In the flurry of activity, parents often ask, what is one thing I can do to help their development? Let’s talk about Tummy Time!

Quick Facts: 

  • Tummy Time should begin as soon as your baby comes home from the hospital
  • Tummy Time can happen across your lap, on your chest, in your arms, on the floor or a play surface (while awake)
  • Start small: 2-5 minutes at a time, several times a day (increasing gradually) By 3 months of age, aim for 1 hour daily

Tummy Time is essential for development and milestone achievement

  • Improves head & neck control, and strengthens the back, shoulders & core
  • Prevents flat spots on your baby’s head
  • Promotes motor and sensory development

Make Tummy Time Fun! 

  • Play with your baby- at eye level is best
  • Sing songs & talk to your baby
  • Use a mirror – babies love faces
  • Use a rattle or toy to make noise – encourage visual tracking
  • Practice during your baby’s happiest times

Tummy Time not only helps with physical development but can also help with bonding as you actively engage with them. Performing skin-to-skin (Kangaroo Care) has many benefits as well, particularly for those born early or of low birth weight. 

Congratulations as you start this new journey with your little one! If you have any questions or need help making Tummy Time successful, talk to a pediatric physical therapist!

Remember: Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play

(Recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics)

Tummy Time Tips: What You Need to Know about Tummy Time.” Pathways.Org, 16 Apr. 2024

Written by: David Downing, PT, DPT, PCS